So here it is! A little place on the web for me to post things that I’ve learnt
and wished a good article existed, as well as other bits and bobs that I find
And what better place to start than how I found setting up this little utopia,
running on a brand spanking new install of
Wordpress. Frankly, it’s awesome. Anything that
takes less than 5minutes to install and be not only very feature rich, but also
so intuitive that I’ve now setup another website using it, must have something
going for it (also that it’s used by most major websites as well)
The only complaint I have is the lack of many out-of-the-box themes to choose
from. Once you siphon off the themes that hurt my eyes, they either had no
customisable features for things like company logos, or so inundated with
options that I grew frustrated with it not looking like I wanted it to.
Luckily it’s relatively painless to customise a given theme using the concept of
child themes, which is exactly what I’ve done here! Which leads me nicely onto
my next post, in which I’ll explain exactly what I did.