I actually began this post well over a year ago, as I remember struggling to
work out how to read keyboard input in X. Anyway, I thought I’d finally finish
it off for posterity’s sake :)
I recently had to implement some API calls in Linux to be able to return what
keys were currently being pressed. As I was using Qt for the UI layer (which, by
the way, is now my favourite UI framework!) I was hoping there would be some
platform-agnostic call I could make. However (and kinda rightfully so) Qt
doesn’t expose a way to do this, as it’s assumed you should just do things based
on events.
After a few hours googling and scratching my head, I realised this wasn’t going
to be as simple as I imagined, as the documentation for anything X based seems
incessantly complex. Anyway, here’s how I did it!
Getting the Keys being Pressed
First I get from the QApplication the currently actibe window. Assuming we have
a valid window, I then get the X11 display pointer and use this to call
This function takes an array of 32 chars, which is uses to mark what physical
keys are being pressed, one key per bit.
static const uint32_t K_KEYMAP_SIZE = 32;
QWidget* window = qApp->activeWindow();
if( window )
// We have a valid window, so grab the display
const QX11Info& info = window->x11Info();
char keyMap[K_KEYMAP_SIZE];
// First get the bit array of all keys currently down
XQueryKeymap(info.display(), keyMap);
// next go through each member of keymap array
for( uint32_t i = 0; i < K_KEYMAP_SIZE; i++ )
const char& currentChar = keyMap[i];
// iterate over each bit and check if the bit is set
for( uint32_t j = 0; j < 8; j++ )
// AND current char with current bit we're interested in
bool isKeyPressed = ((1 << j) & currentChar) != 0;
if( isKeyPressed )
// work out the keycode (is just the number of the bit that's set)
KeyCode keyCode = (i * sizeof(char) * 8) + j;
// convert to qt key, and append if we get a valid key
int32_t qtkey = ConvertKeyToQtKey(keyCode, info.display());
if( qtkey )
Converting the X11 key to Qt key
In the above code, once I have the bit array of buttons being pressed, I then
iterate through all the keys being pressed and convert the pysical key into a Qt
key. This basically involves using the
function, which will convert a key position into a key symbol. However, as each
physical key can have multiple meanings (based on modifiers for instance) I
iterate over all the symbols (using an iterator) and return the first key that I
care about.
typedef QMap <keysym, int32_t="">KeySymToQtKeyMap;</keysym,>
uint32_t keyCode,
Display* display )
// This is a static map of key mappings for all the keys I need to know about, which I initialize once
static KeySymToQtKeyMap keyMapping = InitializeKeyMapping();
// Iterate through all the keysym's until we find one that matches.
uint32_t i = 0;
KeySym key = NoSymbol;
key = XKeycodeToKeysym((Display*)display, keyCode, i++);
if( (key >= XK_0 && key <= XK_9) || (key >= XK_a && key <= XK_z) || (key == XK_space) )
// ASCII Key, make sure it's changed to upper varient if a char
return isprint(key) ? toupper(key) : key;
else if( keyMapping.contains(key) )
return keyMapping[key];
} while( key != NoSymbol);
return 0;
This isn’t the perfect solution, but for my case it worked perfectly. The moral
of the story is that looking at the keyboard directly is a Bad Idea and that you
should always always listen to button events instead.